Friday the 15th (with pictures!)

February 25, 2008 at 11:29 am Leave a comment

Two Fridays ago there was no Lower School, which I didn’t find out about until two Wednesdays ago, so I’d already prepared my book talks. Though I didn’t get to use them, I had fun getting them ready and eventually put them on display. Here’s a picture of the display:

(It looked better before it was ravaged, but it’s good that it was ravaged!)

And here is a list of the books I was going to talk.

Midwinter Break was last week, so there were no book talks last Friday either. But next Friday (2/29) I’ll be talking poetry books. I spent part of two Fridays ago (2/15) putting those books together:

Jenine and I did some weeding two Fridays ago, too. Pretty major weeding. We took out anything that hadn’t been checked out in the last three years, anything that was in poor condition, and anything with an unattractive cover. Some things were put in a discard pile, other things we kept with the intention of book talking them and seeing if they’d circ, and others we put in a “buy a new copy” pile (which was further divided into “buy a mass paperback” pile and “buy a trade paperback” pile). It was my first time really weeding, so I got to discover if I’m a sentimental type. I don’t think I am, though I did sigh with relief when I saw that Anne of Green Gables still circs every year.

Here are pics of the YA/FIC area we weeded:

At Bush, each of the librarians needs to check off on piles of books to be weeded out of the collection. That would horrify my Collection Development professor, I’m sure, but it seems to work here, with only a few minor disagreements. Weeding can get emotional, you know. (What? You didn’t know that?)

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